Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Fly birdie, fly!"

Someone once said, "this is the first day of the rest of your life." I could look up who but the important part is the point came across. Although this isn't my first day in Massachusetts, it's not about when you start, it's where you go. I have no idea where to start because that would mean I have a place to go. A runner never starts a race not knowing where the finish line is, right? Well, I'm not all about the finish, I'd like the enjoy the journey. I guess this is my journey to happiness (as corny as that sounds). I needed an outlet for my creative energies; this will be my journey. It will not be black and white, it will be full of color, wonder and question. I truly believe if you stay positive, positive things will follow. We can't be perfect all the time. I know I will slip up. This will be to help clean up the messes life makes.

Stay posted on the findings I make in the new chapter I've started. Pictures, thoughts, songs, quotes and whatever else is easier to put down in words will be here.

1 comment:

  1. The little bird has already begun her flight, you just do not know how high you can soar.

    Know you are surrounded by friendship, support and love.

    Be patient with yourself, NEVER give up and you will achieve your goals.

