Friday, October 8, 2010

Burlington St. in Wilmington / Wilmington St. in Burlington

Life makes you feel ass backwards sometimes and catches you off guard. You have to recalibrate and move forward. I'm in the middle of recalibrating, de-fragmenting and downloading new data. All at the same time! Sounds fun and tech-y but it's a lot like walking on a tight rope with no net while juggling fire. I'm in the process of trying to stay balanced. Luckily, I have people who are standing by me and having more confidence in me than I do myself. I just keep climbing that rope in P.E. I can see the bell and everyone cheering me on is helping but I'm the one, in the end, who has to have the muscle to reach the top and ring the bell.

On a side note. Emoticons. Who came up with the winking face guy? I personally think it should have been a lower case "i" and ")". Then, even the blind computer users can notice the winking eye (clearly, this font is not helping me prove my point). If someone is being sarcastic with me and I mistake a ;) for a :) it could end in a little confusion. Are you smiling about the fact you think I should jump off a bridge or my pants being on fire? I demand a recount and a new vote. While we're at it. Can we please revert back to real words and language. Our lazy society thinks "l8r" is acceptable. What is "d@"? "D@" is not a word, THAT is what it is. The word is with a "T" people. I hereby dub it "The Lazy Language of the Lame". Yea, I said it. Don't blame texting. Placing blame will only make you one of "them". ;)   <-- (See? Case in point!)

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